Committees and Representatives

In addition to the student representative and council, we have a number of offices and committees in which you can get involved. Here you will find short explanations of what it is all about and what is done. If something sounds interesting, and you would like to know more, please come to the office or email us, we will be happy to answer all your questions!

To see who currently holds which position, take a look at the list of committee representatives.


These functions are internal posts that the student council has given itself. Everyone can participate and be given a function as mentioned below without having to be elected (with a few exceptions).

Attendance service

AWD staff ensure that the student council office is staffed for at least two hours a day. The specific times are set out in the attendance schedule (that is displayed in the sidebar to the right). Their tasks include taking care of daily business such as restocking drinks in the fridge. They are also available to answer all kinds of questions (study-related or private).

Student Networking Representatives

Student Networking Representatives are responsible for the exchange and communication with other student councils, both university internal and external. You can have a look at KIF for more.


Drink Managers are responsible for organizing the beverage stocks of the student council. They keep an eye on the stock of beverages in our storage room, order new beverages, and manage the variety of drinks offered by the student council.


Inform editors write and publish the first semester magazine “Ersti-Inform” (in German) and the master version “Master-Inform. Their tasks include checking all texts for outdated information every summer and updating them. They also search for advertising partners to share printing costs, and also place the order with a printing company.


The KIF is the conference of the German-speaking student councils of computer sciences. Student representatives meet there every semester to exchange ideas and also to draft resolutions as a united political body. You’ll find more about it here (in German).

The student council is also a member of the KIF support association.
The KIF representatives organize a representation of us at the member meetings.

Every student of computer science can join to go to the KIF. The KIF Managers are responsible for coordinating the arrival and departure to and from the KIF.


We have a storage room in the basement of the institute. Storage Managers are responsible for keeping the warehouse tidy and free of rubbish. They should take inventories on the regular.

Educational Studies Representative

There are educational studies representatives whose task it is to ensure that the interests of educational studies students with a subject in computer science are not forgotten. Traditionally, this position is given to an educational studies student.

Mailing List Admin

We administrate some internal and public mailing lists that need someone to administer, i.e. add new people, remove old ones and get rid of spam.

NatFak Festival

The student council is a member of the NatFak Festival e.V., which is why we choose a representative who represents us at the meetings. This representative is our contact if we want something from NatFak, or if they want something from us.

Orientation Unit

Something that requires the least explanation: the OE. Whoever takes care of the OE plans the schedule, coordinates the helpers and organizes purchases, permits, etc. A true team task where you can do cool things together.

Examination Regulations Representatives

In addition to the representatives of the examination board, the examination regulations representatives are those who are familiar with the examination regulations. So if someone has a question about the examination regulations, you can confidently turn to these people.


At least once during the semester, we organize a party in a local club. The party managers take care of the planning and implementation of these parties. See also event management.

Examination Notes

We have an ever-growing collection of examination notes that needs to be maintained. People in this office receive those notes and add them to the collection. They also organize a competition for the best protocol, which are often held at the end of each semester.

Room Management

Room managers take care of the rooms for which we are responsible. These are our office, the general study rooms on the ground floor and basement, and our warehouse. See also storage room.


Our roots are the admins of our many tools and systems that we host. We have internal student council accounts that allow access to services such as our Gitea, Zammad, Nextcloud, HedgeDoc and many more. This is one of the offices in which you can’t be unelected, which should be understandable. But our roots are happy about anyone who is interested and will be happy to show you what they have to do.

Locker Management

We have lockers in the institute that you can rent for a small deposit. Locker managers manage those lockers.

Script Manager

Oh, where would the student council be without their scripts? We have a lot of Python scripts that (mostly) make our lives easier and automate processes. Script managers maintain these scripts.

Ticket System-Admin

Our ticket system helps us to manage the flood of emails that reach us and that we send out. Ticket system admins ensure that the ticket system is as easy to use as possible internally and help others to use it. They are explicitly not responsible for processing or sorting of concrete emails.

Event Management

Event managers plan and run events such as our game nights, but also help other students if they have ideas for cool events. See also party.

Lecture Evaluation

At the end of each lecture period, the lectures in computer science are evaluated by the student council. Questionnaires are created, distributed, collected again and evaluated. The evaluations help lecturers to improve their teaching, but also to give students a further basis for deciding which modules they want to hear and which not.

Web Editing & Social Media

Our web and social media editors maintain the website and feed our channels with content such as invitations to events, announcements about elections and other news from the student council and institute.


Wiki watchers maintain our internal wiki, where we collect the knowledge of generations of student councils. They make sure that all information is up-to-date.



You can usually only participate in a limited extent in committees without being elected. But if you want to take part somewhere, you can simply put yourself up for election or have yourself suggested.

Cash Auditors

The Student Body Representatives (Fachschaftsvertretung or FSV) draws up the budget, the Student Body Council (Faschschaftsrat or FSR) spends money according to the budget and the cash auditors make sure that this is actually the case. They meet with the finance officer once or twice a semester, go through the cash books and prepare a report on any discrepancies.

Student Bodies’ Conference

All student councils of the University of Bonn meet here to exchange ideas and, for example, to distribute the funds to which the student councils are entitled. Student Bodies’ Conference Representatives represent the computer science student council at the Student Bodies’ Conference. This is called Fachschaftskonferenz, or short FK in German.

Examination Board

The examination board approves the admission requirements for modules, votes on student requests, and is allowed to debate and discuss a lot with professors. A sometimes exhausting but very important job!

Institute’s Managing Board

The institute’s board of directors discusses topics that affect the institute and its employees. It’s pretty interesting. Usually, it is held directly afterwards with our department’s managing board group.

Department’s Managing Board

The department’s managing board is a large conference in which professors, scientific employees, employees from technology and administration and of course we students sit. Topics such as new professorships or current developments of courses are discussed. Here, together with the Institute’s Managing Board, we have quite a few seats for representatives. The discussions are quite exciting and as a student you can really achieve something with good arguments.

Committee for the Improvement of Quality of Teaching

Here there are two: the Department’s Managing Board and the Managing Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science.

The faculty decides which department receives how much money to improve the quality of studies and teaching, and the department then reviews the actual applications from the lecturers. We the students, have the absolute majority in both.

Library Committee

This committee decides which journals and books should be subscribed to or purchased for computer science.

Evaluation Project Group

The evaluation project group should evaluate how well our courses work and how they can be improved. They use statistics such as success rates of cohorts or the like. Our lecture survey or average grades are also interesting.

Finance Committee

The finances of the institute are discussed in the finance committee.

Study Advisory Board

The study advisory board is at the faculty level and decides on things like examination regulations. Unfortunately, the examination regulations are not as pleasant in every subject as they are for us, which is why it is all the more important that students also look at changes and have a say.

Search Committees

Appointment or search committees are used whenever a new professor needs to be hired. Applications are then viewed in the search committee, applicants are invited to interviews and test lectures and ultimately someone is selected. Sitting in search committees as students is super important so that no professors are hired who may not do good teaching.