Shared email address for the Awareness Team:
All team members have access. You can find the individual addresses and photos below:

- Linus Rodríguez Gómez

- Robin Meth

- Erik Böhme

- Sophia Sirtl
Reports & Contact
If you are involved in a situation or observe situations where people are insulted, discriminated against, harassed, or treated disrespectfully, you can contact members of the Response Team. Please report incidents, even if you’re not entirely sure how problematic they are! We can only act based on reported situations.
You can report incidents at any time, even outside of events (e.g., at the university or in the FS office), to the team.
We are currently working on an email address separate from our usual ticket system, making it easier to report incidents. Until then, feel free to contact team members directly.
At Fachschaft events, there are designated contacts available to assist individuals when uncomfortable situations or even incidents of harassment occur. Active members can be recognized by a string of lights. For larger events, we also offer a retreat area in the form of a dedicated room. If you need to retreat, please contact the Response Team.
The Code of Conduct is listed under Documents.